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true cost中文是什么意思

用"true cost"造句"true cost"怎么读"true cost" in a sentence


  • 真实成本


  • The true cost often differs from that which is first projected .
  • Ejb technology s true costs
  • Governments have only poor information on the true cost and potential efficiency gains of the service providers they regulate
  • The true costs are undoubtedly much greater as not all obesity - related conditions are included in the calculations
  • Nonprofits aren ' t alone in this situation : the accounting systems in some businesses also fail to provide an accurate picture of their true costs
  • Ais must let their customers know the true cost of credit and ensure that all advertising and promotional materials do not contain misleading information
  • Ashley williams , a director of angela mortimer , warned : " business leaders are frequently unaware of the true costs involved in recruiting new people
    公司的一位主管艾什莉威廉姆斯发出警告: “企业的领导常常意识不到招聘新员工所要花费的实际成本。 ”
  • Most nonprofits have only rudimentary financial systems , and the standard accounting packages on which they tend to rely are seldom conducive to tracking and understanding the true costs of operation
  • Since so few organizations have an accurate understanding of the true costs of running their programs , it ' s not unreasonable to think that those that do possess such data might thereby enhance their credibility with donors
  • By making the true costs of operating an organization transparent , full cost information enables decision - makers to modify the flow of resources to maximize impact and manage all - too - scarce resources effectively
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"true cost"造句  


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